Friday, August 10, 2012

Inspiration for a Reset

I was wondering to myself last night why I wanted to start all of this up again, why now? Then I thought back over the last few weeks and counted the number of times I've eaten out or tried something new for take out... If I go back two months I've eaten at 4 new (to me) restaurants and gone out another 6 times beyond that. That's like... 10 blog posts!

Why didn't I take pictures? Take notes? Jot something down? Who knows. But I am from now on. Also thinking we should revisit at least a few of those places.

I mean I'll obviously go back to the Bagdad again. I love that place. Good food and nice movie prices, $2 tuesdays? Come on! Last week I saw Hunger Games and Abraham Lincoln Vampire Slayer for $4, along with a very tasty turkey sandwich, tots, and amazingly good ranch dip ($9.50). You know I'll be back.

Redneck Widow, Apocalypse Mom, and myself have been into Bollywood movies for... Gosh it seems like forever but its probably more like under a year, and as such we've been into the Indian (Hindustani) culture/ cuisine. So we visited Namaste for their dinner buffet with BellaBabe, The Man, and all the kidlets (I'm sure they'll get names later). And it was so good! There was a variety of food, everyone enjoyed themselves, and the kidlets were suprisingly (to me) adventurous and willing to try new things. I was so proud. We have to go back.

There was the bar we went to just the other day... Can't remember the name, not a good experience for me... Why oh why did I order "Pork Medallions in a Rosemary Wine Sauce" at a bar? What was I thinking?? Blech... It was over cooked, over salted nastiness. Doubt I shall return.

And of course the never ending search for "good" chinese. My favorite chinese isn't authentic or high class... I want egg foo young patty in brown gravy with fried rice, so tasty. And difficult to find. Wierd right?

So I promise more adventures, and hopefully with all of these contributors we can churn out at least one post a week. Its a good theory right?

1 comment:

  1. The bar was called Sidelines, I just posted about it. And we should hit Toms as well. I think Both locations. and I still think a couple of those chains you hate so much... just to be fair. After all, If I am willing to hit those horrid carts, you have to accept chains.
