Friday, August 10, 2012

Got Pho

So, last night I finally agreed to go to this little Vietnamese restaurant that Sleep Ginger has been talking about for the last year.  She had promised friends of ours a night of Pho. (I have no idea what that means, still) So, we went out to this little hole in the wall in SE called Got Pho where we met up with said friends. I brought my youngest kidlet along so that my household could do whatever they had planned without us.  It was a cute place, with some obvious regulars.

Now, I have some pretty rare food allergies, nothing like Apocalypse Mom but enough that it has been known to cause me some issues.  For instance, peppers, onions, or anything else with capcasin in it causes the typical running nose, watery eyes, sneezing fits etc. So, walking into Got Pho was an adventure all by itself. Luckily the smell was only enough tickle the sinuses and leave me a little blurry eyed.  My adventurous young son ordered a golden garlic stir-fry with beef, which he loved. My companions ordered what they assured me was this infamous pho, but I’m pretty sure it was just a vegetable soup. I ordered the one safe thing for me on the menu, Fried rice with peas, carrots, and beef.

Now, Here I was hoping that I wouldn’t encounter any onions, peppers or soy of any kind. Although I was expecting the fried rice to have soy sauce, I was pleasantly surprised to find that this rice didn’t have any at all. So, while everyone else enjoyed their meals immensely, and the company of our dining experience was great, my meal was bland and generic. But that is the problem I run into with Asian foods and my allergies. So, I have a problem developing an actual opinion about this particular restaurant as I was unable to enjoy the actual specialty food.

All that being said, the portions were great, their menu had a great variety and the price was pretty good for the size of the meal we were given.  The staff was courteous and attentive. All in all it was a good place, but I am not sure I will be joining Sleepy Ginger on her next trip there. 


  1. A night of Pho is the ability for the magnificent Embers to have Pho as she is allergic to Beef, which is the base of most Pho. As Pho is a Vietnemese beef soup with noodles. :P Got Pho serves a chicken version. It was a thing of beauty and oh so good. If only you could sample the wonder.

    I also want to hit another Sushi go 'round... But not sure who would go with me. Apocalypse.Mom? Any other lurking contributors out there? Anyone? Beuler? Beuler?

    Want to try and plan a Food Cart Crawl soon... Booyah!

  2. Ya do understand that calling it a food cart crawl makes it just that much more unappetizing... right?
